Fahrner Industries, unique expertise to help you succeed

The Fahrner Industries Group

FAHRNER Industries, an industrial group, is an innovative and reliable leader in the machining and production of high-performance technical plastic parts. Thanks to its know-how and state-of-the-art machinery, FAHRNER Industries is able to meet the diverse requirements of a wide range of industrial sectors, offering tailor-made solutions that combine performance, durability and exceptional quality. Concerned about its impact on the environment, FAHRNER Industries is committed to sustainable and responsible production methods.

Development of Fahrner Industries
Acquisition of MOVENA
Acquisition AIRA and TECHNIPLEX
FAHRNER Creation
Acquisition of ALFAPLEX
Acquisition of PLASTRANCE
Takeover of the company by Mr Laurent FAHRNER







tonnes of materials in stock


Production sites


brands, products & services

Group objectives

Customised solutions

The Group's objective is to provide tailor-made solutions to meet the specific needs of its customers, particularly in the field of custom plastic machining, according to the drawings provided.
Whether it's a small batch or a large production run, we offer the flexibility and responsiveness to ensure customer satisfaction.
Each project is treated with the utmost care, taking into account technical requirements and delivery deadlines.

Wide range of materials

FAHRNER Industries has a high level of expertise in the machining of technical plastics. Customers can choose the materials of their choice or we can make suggestions based on specifications.
Our aim is to produce complex parts with consistent precision and quality.

Commitment to quality and sustainability

Group companies are ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified, demonstrating our commitment to the highest standards of quality and process management.
In addition, by choosing sustainable and recyclable materials, FAHRNER Industries contributes to environmental protection and the promotion of a circular economy.

Customer Satisfaction

FAHRNER Industries places customer satisfaction at the heart of its priorities and offers complete support throughout the process, from initial design to production and delivery of parts. A team of professionals is always on hand to provide advice and ensure a smooth and efficient customer experience.

Our brands and expertise

A force for innovation, the FAHRNER Industries Group is made up of 5 companies, 4 production sites and 3 brands. Each company has its own specific expertise, which strengthens its know-how and market position.

they trust us

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2024. Déploiement de Fahrner Industries

FAHRNER Industries franchit une nouvelle étape décisive dans son développement. FAHRNER Industries consolide sa position de leader dans l’usinage et la fabrication de pièces en plastique techniques de haute performance. Cette année marque un tournant stratégique, avec des investissements significatifs et des initiatives clé visant à renforcer sa présence à l’échelle nationale et européenne, sa capacité de production, son innovation technologique et son engagement envers la durabilité.

2023. Rachat d'Alfaplex

Fondée en 1989, ALFAPLEX est une entreprise industrielle spécialisée dans l’usinage et l’injection de pièces en plastique techniques. Elle possède un savoir-faire d’assemblage de sous-ensembles.

2021. Rachat de Movena

Fondée en 2009, MOVENA fabrique des vitrages automobiles de sécurité en verre renforcé destinés à protéger les occupants des véhicules contre les actes de violence urbaine.

2017. Rachat de Plastrance

Fondée en 1987, la société PLASTRANCE est spécialisée dans le domaine de la transformation des thermoplastiques par usinage, les travaux de pliage, le moulage et le thermoformage. Elle dépose la marque CLEARGARD en 2004, spécialisée dans le vitrage en polycarbonate destiné à la sécurité des personnes.

2004. Rachat d’Aira et Techniplex

Fondée en 1969, AIRA est spécialisée dans la transformation de toutes les matières plastiques. Chaudronnerie, usinage, sciage, rabotage, fraisage, tournage, thermoformage, collage, assemblage, soudure, peinture… de la pièce unitaire à la série. Ce rachat a pour objectif d’élargir les compétences et de proposer de nouveaux savoir-faire aux clients.

1995. Reprise de la société par Mr Laurent Fahrner

Sous l’impulsion de Laurent FAHRNER, fils du fondateur, ayant repris l’entreprise familiale en 1995, la société amorce le virage vers la fabrication et la commercialisation de composants en plastique, des pièces techniques usinées en petites et moyennes séries. Une activité qui poursuit son expansion au travers de la modernisation de ses outils de production.

1975. Création de Fahrner

A sa création, en 1975, FAHRNER est un fabricant français spécialisé dans les billots de découpe dans l’industrie agro-alimentaire, mais aussi dans la maroquinerie et la fabrication de chaussures. C’est une référence qualité pour les billots plastiques techniques.

2024. Development of Fahrner Industries

FAHRNER Industries take another decisive step in its development. FAHRNER Industries is consolidating its position as a leader in the machining and production of high-performance technical plastic parts. This year marks a strategic turning point, with significant investments and key initiatives aimed at strengthening its national and European presence, production capacity, technological innovation and commitment to sustainability.

2023. Acquisition of Alfaplex

Founded in 1989, ALFAPLEX is an industrial company specializing in the machining and injection molding of technical plastic parts. It also has expertise in the assembly of subassemblies.

2021. Acquisition of Movena

Founded in 2009, MOVENA manufactures reinforced automotive safety glass designed to protect vehicle occupants from acts of urban violence.

2017. Acquisition of Plastrance

Founded in 1987, PLASTRANCE specialises in the processing of thermoplastics by machining, bending, moulding and thermoforming. It registered the CLEARGARD brand in 2004, specialising in polycarbonate glazing for personal safety.

2004. Acquisition: Aira and Techniplex

Founded in 1969, AIRA specialises in the transformation of all plastics. Boilermaking, machining, sawing, planing, milling, turning, thermoforming, gluing, assembling, welding, painting… from single parts to mass production. The aim of this acquisition is to broaden our skills and offer new expertise to our customers.

1995. Takeover of the company by Mr Laurent Fahrner

Under the impetus of Laurent FAHRNER, son of the founder, who took over the family business in 1995, the company began to move into the manufacture and marketing of plastic components, technical parts machined in small and medium-sized production runs. The company continues to expand its business by modernising its production facilities.

1975. Fahrner creation

When it was founded in 1975, FAHRNER was a French manufacturer specialising in cutting logs for the food industry, as well as for leather goods and footwear. It is a quality benchmark for technical plastic blocks.